| 1. | The oral account, many converts now believe, was true.
| 2. | Lorimer Fison translated Bulu's oral account of his life.
| 3. | Oral accounts indicate that Brazil accepted the offer and concluded a deal with Iraq.
| 4. | The Navajo legends are an oral account that is passed down from generation to generation.
| 5. | Local oral accounts describe this situation as follows : The M�n king was very cruel.
| 6. | Oral accounts credited the foundation of Ache Lhamo tradition to 14th-century mystic Thang Tong Gyalpo.
| 7. | The other justices either read aloud from a memorandum explaining the case or gave a more casual oral account.
| 8. | Racial forgery in Latin America is often accompanied by oral accounts of a Spanish ancestor and a Spanish surname.
| 9. | Some oral accounts suggest he learned at the same time period that Chan Wah Shun was at the school.
| 10. | Two oral accounts of transporting corpses are included in Liao Yiwu's " The Corpse Walker ".